
When the Fire Goes Out

In Uncategorized on December 2, 2009 at 4:27 am

Movements that blazed brightly changing the face of Christianity and history, flickered and died because of the people. Evan Roberts and group of fiery young people crying out for revival sparked the Welsh Revival. God visited that nation in 1904, striking the hearts of men, women and children. Word went out and soon visitors from all over the world flooded that small island.

So many people were became Christians that crime went down, pubs were closed and the course of Welsh civic life changed. You would think that this could be the beginning of global awakening. But that movement  died in 2 years.

Hebrides Revival crowd

Hebrides Revival Crowd

In 1949, another move of God broke out in the Hebrides Islands, a group of islands off the coast of Scotland. This movement began with the prayers of two elderly house-bound women,  Peggy and Christine Smith. Peggy and Christine pleaded with their pastor, James Murray Mackay, to host a men’s prayer meeting for revival.

Pastor MacKay hosted a prayer meeting where a blacksmith, Duncan Campbell, reluctantly attended. The presence of the Lord fell on that meeting and captured Duncan Campbell who became a carrier of revival. Duncan’s preaching and the fires of revival  attracted visitors from all over world to the Hebrides. The fires burned and dimmed in 3 years with the revival ending in 1952.

J.D. King, director of the World Revival Network, recently visited both churches. Many years later, those churches attracted barely a handful of people during Sunday services. He met with those who had been a part of the Hebrides Revival.  All they had were stories.

Was it God’s will for the fire to go out?

The Welsh Revival ended when Evan Roberts was overwhelmed by all the publicity and attention. He went into obscurity. The fire died when the carriers of revival couldn’t handled the attention or the responsibility of carrying the glory. When the fire goes out, you’re left with a good story. You have a dim memory of God’s glory visiting.

When the fire goes out churches that were full of the life of God become havens of wistful memories. When the fire goes out, someone else has to pick it up. Who will fan the flame before it goes out?

A gift from a war zone and the quest

In Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 at 4:43 am

Someone from war-torn, poor, Afghanistan sent a gift to Daystar Network to support the cause of revival. I don’t know the amount of the gift, but the thought that a man, woman, teenager, young adult or child would call and give from a war zone, boggles my mind. Afghanistan is at war and we are at war. But our war isn’t as obvious unless you see the obvious signs.

These are signs such as a pastor brutally slain in their church in Georgia. Or pastors getting divorces and convicted. I’m not even talking about the average American Christian that doesn’t resemble what the Bible defines as a Christian. The casualties of a church without God is very costly. Every week, I see God move in the lives of those wounded, hurt or left for spiritually dead by the church.

Revival is the only hope for the church’s survival. Daystar Network founder Marcus Lamb issued a challenge on the sharathon for people to give to revival. I watched Marcus appeal to the people from the Daystar studio audience in Dallas, TX. Then we moved to Studio B to watch Pastor Steve and Kathy Gray preach and encourage the viewers to give. I was amazed at the honor that a major Christian TV network gave to my pastors and the hunger of the people.

During the time of prayer, Daystar’s staff were hungry for the presence of God. A healing took place and tears flowed freely. God’s presence hovered in that studio as members of the audience got freedom. Millions of people all over the world are hungry for the presence of God.

Daystar has been used by God to carry revival through the airwaves to these spiritually-starving nations. Marcus shared that he had given over $1 million in air time to revival. It made me think, what have I given? I know the Daystar budget is over $100 million. But what have I given? I came back from Dallas, TX. wanting to give more. Thankfully Pastor Steve shared a key for increasing my giving.

“Consume less, do more.” Sounds very simple and easy to do. If I can eat one less donut or hamburger, I can give that money for that food to God instead. If we all consumed less, and gave towards the cause of revival, together we could really push this forward. Lets do our part in the battle for revival. During times of war, people adjust their lives to push the effort. Won’t you join me? Join me in the quest to consume less to give more.

God Isn’t Mad at You

In Uncategorized on August 31, 2009 at 3:36 am

Last night I got into my car after church and immediately my child started throwing a fit. Normally I would have had an emotional meltdown. This time peace and joy flowed out of me. For the first time in my life, I experienced a new response or a new Leilani.

During that ride home, I was peaceful while she cried and whined because she wanted a hamburger. She already had a hamburger for dinner. For once, she didn’t control my response, but the Holy Spirit was in control.

If you’ve never let the Holy Spirit control you, you don’t know what true life is all about. Pastor Steve Gray preached a message on Saturday night that every believer needs to get. He shared a revelation about being a new creation that I’ve never heard anyone preach. While he was preaching, he seemed startled by what he was saying because it was fresh from heaven.

“You don’t understand, I’m hearing this right along with you for the first time!” I had to go in and out several times to take care of my daughter, but I caught the heart of God reaching out to me. Pastor Steve said, “God isn’t mad at you. He’s reaching out to you!” That gripped me because I’ve struggled with years of things I’ve told God I would do and than I didn’t do it. The distractions of life pulled me away from what I wanted to do for God.

Last night I got a fresh slate and a second chance. God wants to give you a fresh slate. He isn’t mad at you. Reach out to Him. Let Him control you. You’ll surprise yourself with the newness of life that comes out of you.